The protagonists have their plans to take down the antagonists. The antagonists have plans to wipe out the protagonists. Both sides have suffered major casualties thus far. However, no one is ready to see a twist in greater politics, or deal with the actions of an extremely bitter man. This man finds himself in a twisted form of Hamlet, as he continues to grieve over the death of his father, murdered when this character was six years old. His plans of revenge, at this point methodical, become devastating when he makes a sudden act to grasp the moment to avenge his father.
Chapter forty-six, which I've just finished, ends with a very explicit love scene. Ooooooooooh. I know people will skip ahead. Ah, it ain't all that. I'm now on chapter forty-seven. I'm far over budget, but, hey. Still truckin'. The book will end soon.
b write black.