The preliminary edit of the first 150 pages is finished. Caught some things the computer didn't. Of course, that's why I'm an editor. I'll go over the first two chapters tomorrow. Wasn't that bad, though. I may do the second 150 tonight.
I'll wait until morning.
Also, coming soon, another overhaul of website is being planned. The first overhaul will be an ACoM's page. There will be an additional page that is designated for the novels I've written. Probably will get to work on that a bit tonight. February will mark the greater overhaul. Stay close. Stay tuned. Stay black.
Real, hardcore, gritty writing takes place tomorrow. I should come into the scene where an African Moor, returning from the Americas, is broken by shock as to what is really happening to the African people overseas. It will be intense.
b write black.