I have selected music for ACoM's commercial. I have also drafted a script for the commercial. A little before ending chapter 22 I selected quotes that will flash across the screen between close shots of the cover. The commercial will probably be finished sometime before December.
I will begin to showcase character profiles and tidbits of the plot as the story comes to a written close. Editing will begin December 1st. Everything that has been written by that time will go through an extensive editing process. Myself and several other editors (three) will begin to hack at the manuscript. After the manuscript has been submitted for copyright I will reveal the cover and then put the commercial on the Ancient-Art-of-Facts site. Hopefully all of this can take place over the month of December, and January can be used for tightening everything up for a February release. Editing the book before the book is finished (chapter-by-chapter) will make this a quick process, without having to be rushed.
b write black.