Last weekend was insane! The editing team tore through the 2nd act of the new project. Another 188 pgs down, plus a thorough review in a meeting for note taking and insuring continuity in the book and plot (after all, the plots flips from 1957, back to 1917, then rises up to 1937 then back to 1957 again).
There's been a lot of 'otha people's newz', and other outside 'errands', however I've been on the writing grind, working parallel to editing. Deep into the 3rd and final act. There are four chapters left for this project. One of those four chapters will be finished by day's end today. It's only a conversation between two characters. I should be going deep into the next chapter as well. The writing portion of this project should be finished at the beginning of May, with the application of the first round of edits by May's end.
After the first round of edits is finished, the book will be copyrighted. That will release any press embargo and I can start talking about what the heck I've been workin' on for the past year. Alongside that, with the first round of edits finished, the first printer's proof will be created. Rounds three and four for editing will take place over June and July, and mid-August will be the release date.
Until then we got a company commercial to create, some more paper work for the new company to wait on going through (printer's and distributors), and hopefully that I'll get some news come next week. Kinda gettin' frustrated. There's also two more commercials to be created for the current project, and they'll be pushed through the social media network stuff.
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