One of the last four chapters has been finished. It was short, but it was also a little more tricky than I imagined. It was just a conversation, but I had to make sure it didn't come off as expository. It doesn't. Don't worry about that. Also, as much as it answers some questions (in a subtle way) about what's going on in the book, at least from the antagonist's point of view, I also wanted to create an air of mystery and uncertainty for the protagonists of the tale.
The next chapter I'm going into will be the protagonists doing air punches, so to speak. They're gearing up for the final confrontation, and a story that runs parallel to the main story will be nearing its conclusion. The final sequence to this parallel story concludes with the final confrontation between the protagonists and the antagonist. I'll probably start picking at that chapter later tonight, with a hope to have it concluded by next Monday. Then there will be two down, and the final sequences will be underway to wrap up the project.
In other news, it looks as if things could have gone simpler in restructuring Ancient-Art-of-Facts into Twin Griffin Books when it comes to the printer and distributor. But all that is fixed now. And the turnover will be easy. I guess I was taking the scenic route. At least it's fixed. All things sailing smoothly.
Tonight I concentrate on what's left to say in this project, and I'll be writing, writing, writing after that. I can't wait to finish so I can jump into going through the last act with my eyes and tightening the flow before handing the last pages over to the editors/proofers.
The cool thing is that they're fiending for it. They 'bout to get a meal.
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