Monday, December 27, 2010

In Gear

I really love workin’ on Otha People Newz. It brings a particular balance within my own work that I don’t get if I have too much free time. Other people complain about having a job. Not me. Dedicating my time, carefully and professionally, to people that need my services (editing and proofreading), allows me to appreciate the free time I get, and use it to my best advantage. Now, everything is in gear, and the Ancient-Art-of-Facts machine’s motor is heating up. A lot has happened in the last several days.

First off, a new Enlightenment Teaser was posted on Monday, and it has stirred up a lot of interest in the second Epic Poem: 2 Enlighten The G.O.D.Z. One last teaser is ready for next week, and then begins The Imaginative Trip Campaign, which will focus on (of course) the re-release of 12 Stories High, coming in February. There has already been a very long, long book trailer for 12 Stories High. I like it, but, as I said, it’s long. I mean, there are 12 Stories to feature. So, I re-created the campaign a bit by focusing on individual stories. There will be 5 teaser trailers. One trailer will feature 3 stories, something known as the How To Resurrect A Black Woman Trilogy. These stories are related only in theme. So, it makes them an ‘unofficial’ trilogy. The campaign will take us into February with the re-release for 12 Stories High.

The remaining bit of news that I’m excited for is that I’ve begun work (outlining only) on my next writing project.  This project will be a series, and it will last approximately 3 ½ books long. Lol. I’ll get into what the ½ is about…much later. The first book in this series was at first not attached to the rest of the work. It was completely separate. And it was a story I so much wanted to express. It has gotten many revisions, and even started off as a screenplay that I wrote back in the summer of 2001. I only got about twenty or so pages into the screenplay, but I have notes.

When I was outlining what works would be released when, I had this particular story separate from a very jumbled, wishful thinking, ambitious project and story told through a series of works. But before combining this new work with this larger story, it was combined with another project. That’s when the project showed life, but the two projects (the stories and the series) were still separate from one another, and continued to go back and forth on the debate to combine this story to the larger series. I’ve spoken about it before. I didn’t want the intensity of this story, and its characters, to get bogged down with the responsibility of projecting the larger story. I didn’t want the characters, and their purpose to get lost, and this project is ambitious by itself, even before combining it to a greater series.

However, this was all supposed to be put together. There was a hole in the series, and that hole was basically a character that, although we don’t see, has a great influence on the rest of the series. It was easy to substitute that particular influential character from the greater series into this new writing project, and it doesn’t change the flow or vibe of the story. The story’s importance has become greater, and the intensity and drive of the characters has been amped up. The villain’s purpose has become more dangerous, and the consequences of her actions more detrimental (to her victims and her overall plan). Now that this story has been added to the series, has its own tweak, the outlining is going very well, putting together the backstory for the main characters to work through.

I’m not sure when the actual story writing will (officially) begin. I have started the first paragraph of the first chapter. Lol. I’m thinking around April or so. Birthday.

Too much fun.

Even with all the drama.

b write black

Monday, December 20, 2010

Editing The G.O.D.Z.

The first read through for 2 Enlighten the G.O.D.Z. has been finished. Again, the story is extremely intense, but balanced with a very colorful narrative. It is dark. The first act especially. The second act is a breath of fresh air, and feels like a bright new day. Then, of course, we are pulled right back into the intensity of war and struggle.  The second act ends with a heartbreaking and gut-wrenching climax. But the act three opens with hope, like the opening of a seed. The reader will be routing for the main character to get back on his feet and fight back. I do believe the reader will step into the emotion of the main character, and be as determined as he is to right great wrongs (none committed by him).

At first, I was nervous about 2 Enlighten the G.O.D.Z. A Company of Moors has been successful, and continues to roll into an intense snowball, with new people discovering its story and enjoying it. Code-47 also has seen new life, which I do appreciate. I always believed Code-47 got a bad rap (no pun intended). And people have also scooped up The Ronin Poetz, boosting it to a number two position in African-American poetry on Amazon (for a short while). All this while people are hollering and filling my inbox with questions about the re-release of 12 Stories High. 12 Stories will be a trip for people. I have people that bought the original book waiting to snatch the re-release. Wow. Feels good. And the stories in there will keep people talking. I am really psyched for 12 Stories being back on the market. It reads better now, and a lot of stories have updated commentary **cough**Obama**cough**.

2 Enlighten the G.O.D.Z., however, is an emotionally jarring story…it’s also told in poetry, which some may find a turnoff. But, as many told me when reading The Ronin Poetz, they actually forgot they were reading poetry. Truthfully, it’s an Epic Poem, but it’s not ‘poetry’, y’know. It’s on the scale of the epic poetry in ‘classical’ literature. It is a story first and foremost. Don’t get it twisted. But the ability to get people to read a story told in poetry is not my main concern, in the obvious way. The poetry actually intensifies the story. That’s what I’m afraid of. It’s like a bolt of lightning and a boom of thunder. It’s pure emotion, in a way that not even The Ronin Poetz pulled out. Originally the story was called 2 Anger the G.O.D.Z., until Tracey Wingfield of The Chosen Publishing ‘accidentally’ called it 2 Enlighten the G.O.D.Z. I don’t know if her flubbing of the title was intentional or not, but I did like the word ‘enlighten’ far better than ‘anger’. It was soothing, and appropriate to the overall mission purpose for writing the tale. It was very calming, which aligned with the main character’s name.  It was the difference between Return and Revenge (of the Jedi).

 It’s not a personal story, but there are a lot of biased emotions put inside the story. Not so much in the way that the narrative is judgmental, but more so in the way that I had to pour emotion into the main character and draw from my own experience(s). Now, you do that anyway when writing. But, one thing you can’t do is have every character react the way you would react. A character must react appropriately, according to his or her personality. With this main character, and with the narrative being told in the first person, I shoveled a lot of emotions into what the character goes through in the beginning. Afterward, he becomes his own person, and the story takes off without my emotionally interference (lol).

 2 Enlighten the G.O.D.Z. is an interesting story. It holds up a mirror to what we as black people have been through, and it’s about fighting our demons. No different than anything else I’ve written. This, though, gets up close and personal with the reader. A Company of Moors was a ‘cool’ story. It dealt with hard decisions, but for the most part, we were dealing with characters that had not been touched by the trauma of slavery, jim crow, segregation, civil rights, mis-education…ect, and the list goes on. So the characters had the ability to be ‘cool’, be within the personality they desired without totally being judged by foreigners or peers. 2 Enlighten the G.O.D.Z. deals with unfinished business from all areas of black people. It’s a wondrous kaleidoscope. And after having gone through a good read, re-working a lot of the epic poem’s flow, even shaving off some pages to the work, I’m not so concerned.

The true test comes when we get to see the reaction of the G.O.D.Z. when they are enlightened (at least come Jul. or Aug. 2011).

b write black.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Epic Proportions

Just because 2 Enlighten The G.O.D.Z. has been finished for the last nine years doesn't mean that it can't do with a bit of editing. I have started the first of the three acts. I forgot how intense the story gets. Where Maa Kheru in The Ronin Poetz may be born into an intense world, it does seem as if the dust has settled. And he's surrounded by a loving family and community.

The main character of 2EtG, not so much. He's born into an experiment that, although it mirrors the Marvel Character Wolverine's Weapon X Program mixed with the real life Tuskegee Experiments, Jim Crow Experiment, Willie Lynch Experiment, and commentary on Western academia and the prison systems (and the experiments running loose in there).

There are very few grammatical errors, or misspelled words. I'm also working with the poetry's flow, especially the fast paced battle sequences -- where I have left off in the editing, the first major fight. It's suspenseful, as most of the story can be, bordering on scary, a li'l spooky like the 3rd teaser for the stories Enlightenment Campaign.

The story does say 'EPIC' (hate the fact that this word is used so much in pop culture). It's far more vast than The Ronin Poetz. But that's not to knock the first piece. But 2 Enlighten The G.O.D.Z. is very expansive, and to no accounts (and this must be said) a sequel in any way shape or form. 2 Enlighten the G.O.D.Z. is its own story, and really opens the mind to an epic mythology, where as The Ronin Poetz is a more contained story, while still invoking a wonderful mythos.

Early next year I will be hopping around spots to get back up on the mic to promote 2 Enlighten The G.O.D.Z. Now that's spooky. I haven't performed poetry in a minute. I've already picked the pieces I will be using for promotion.

b write black.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Otha people's newz did not slow down the application of edits for 12 Stories High. Only two stories left, still in the editors' hands. Also, two book trailers have been scripted. One for 12 Stories High, the other for the 2nd epic poem. It will feature the cover (currently being drawn by Raymond Cosico.)

The ball is rolling and gettin' bigger. 2011 is just around the corner. The teaser book trailer for 12 Stories High will come early January, just as the Enlightenment Campaign runs out. The next book trailer for 2 Enlighten the G.O.D.Z. will be a full trailer.

Until then, promotion continues for the 2 book year of 2011.

And in the meantime, a universe and new project is being created in the background.

b write black

Monday, December 13, 2010

Enlightenment Teaser 3

The Prison of Mist is the subject for the 3rd Teaser in the Enlightenment Campaign, not featured on the YouTube channel for Ancient-Art-of-Facts.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


As the Enlightenment Campaign continues with the 2nd teaser released (yesterday, entitled What Is Maa-Tru-Ark?), 12 Stories revisions are coming to an end. All that is needed are the application of the edits, and the first several stories have been worked through. Two stories are left (in the hands of editors), and seven are completed without their edits having been applied. The application of the edits will begin toward the end of this week.

12 Stories High is looking at an early February release (or, rather re-release). And I will be promoting the core 4 (The Ronin Poetz, A Company of Moors, Code-47, and 12 Stories High), while continue to push for the fifth element (the 2nd epic poem) coming in July or Aug. But when the core 4 are up and moving, Ancient-Art-of-Facts will be functioning at 100%.

Ray Cosico has been contacted and is ready to put pen to paper to start drafting the cover.  I'm excited over that. Ray has an amply enough time to finish the cover for the 2nd epic.

Once 12 Stories High has its edits applied, I will continue to push the 'Enlightenment Campaign', while gearing up for 12 Stories High's re-release...and ultimately be working in the background to begin another grand epic story, which is something I have been secretly working on since the release of A Company of Moors. This grand epic has been calculated at 3 and a half books (that will make sense soon). The first book, a tale of music, magic, and murder has been resting in the cupboard for 10 years. It is two stories told as one, and at first, the two stories did not have anything to do with one another, and then (together), they had nothing to do with the larger story that I have been working on since 2002, with elements taken from much older stories.

While A Company of Moors started this blog, this next grand tale will be the sole focus of for the entries once all other matters are straightened. I will begin focusing on this grand tale in February, starting to write more of it around April. The Prologue Book to this great adventure will be 2012's release.

2011's outright focus will be on the 2nd epic poem and 12 Stories High.

b write black.

Monday, November 22, 2010

The Enlightement Campaign Begins

2011 will be a big year for Ancient-Art-of-Facts, starting with the re-release of my book of short stories: 12 STORIES HIGH: THE IMAGINATIVE TRIP THRU A BLACK MIND (Feb), which is in the final stages of editing.

And in July (or Aug) of 2011: 2 ENLIGHTEN THE G.O.D.Z. (my 2nd epic poem) will finally be released (it's only taken nine years).

'The Enlightenment Campaign' has begun. A new teaser commercial a week, for the next five weeks--every Monday, will debut.

Keep it locked to watch knowledge, wisdom, and understanding unfold as the teasers deliver small hints to the larger story arc of a new mythos inspired by wondrous dialogues such as The Bhagavad Gītā, Paradise Lost, The Mwindo Epic, The Ausarian mythos, The Faerie Queen, Le Morte d'Arthur, the Tales of Anansi, and The Epic of Gilgamesh.

A new epic has been forged...

The road 2 enlightenment begins.


b write black

Sunday, November 21, 2010

The Enlightement Campaign

Tomorrow will begin the campaign for the 2nd epic poem. It will be known as 'The Enlightenment Campaign', and it will feature one commercial a week for the next five weeks--every Monday. The teasers will be posted on the social networking sites and the Youtube.

The road 2 enlightenment begins.

b write black...

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

12 Stories On The Rise

12 Stories High is in the final stages of editing. It is now in the hands of editors, and then a run through to apply their edits, and ultimately a proof to see what everything looks like as one. Hopefully that proof can be approved, and 12 Stories will be back on the shelf in time for the Holy Days.

In more exciting news, Sis. BeverlyD (Martin) allowed me an hour and a half to run my mouth on her show Truth 2 Power. You can listen here. Had a blast. I give more thanks to Sis. Beverly for having me on her show. n-joy the feed.

b write black.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

"Four and Five knew each other, but never met the other three."

The Ronin Poetz crawled to the #2 spot on, ranked among Black/African poetry books. It now currently sits at number 6. It's kinda cool that A Company of Moors has created a roll back effect for the other titles. And as I always say, there is more to come.

Gotta get 12 Stories High back up on the market. Workin' on it. People will have fun with that read.

b write black.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Connect The Plots

2 Enlighten The G.O.D.Z. sits away patiently, as it has been, for the last 10 years. Its time to shine as a published work creeps closer and closer, but is a year off. And I'm enjoying the freedom of not having any responsibility to write. But inspiration is beginning to creep and crawl into areas of my thinking, as In already know the next project that I will be working on (from scratch).

In an earlier post I spoke about my debate about whether or not this next project will tie into a larger story told over the canvas of several books (3 at the most). That decision has been made, and is final (I hope). But my next project WILL be a part of that mystical, magical world, and will act as a prologue and catalyst for the larger story. I was at first worried that the larger story would overshadow the characters and their motivations. I have worked that out. The characters and their motivation, and determination, will be the forefront of the this tale.

but, that is a story for another time.

For the moment, promoting A Company of Moors is in full blast. I have more interviews scheduled, and I hope they are as smooth and amazing as the ones I have been through. As Blue Rasberry said, I am part of The Remix family. And that is an honor. I can't wait to be a guest on her show again. It was fantastic.

12 Stories High is getting printer up and shipped to the next round of editor(s). I hope early November will see its re-release. This will be a book for the ages. The mystical, magical writing ain't nuthin' but a flow throughout the book. Let's get back on it. I still don't feel complete. 1 of 4 books remains immobile.

Time to go to work.

b write black.

Sunday, October 10, 2010


An extremely hot show! Listen. 3 hours of a great interview by Ms. Blue Rasberry. Let me again give her a BIG THANK YOU for giving me the time to speak. Was an amazing show. Had fun speaking and taking people's questions.

Listen to the show here, or download the show for free here to your iTunes.

In other news, some short teasers have been created for the 2nd epic poem. They will make their debut on the youtube channel, and of course on the show-shull networking sites as well.

And we got more ranting about the terrible state of black literature

b write black.

Friday, October 1, 2010

12 Stories 2nd Edit Is Finished

Just finished the last story, The Curse of Cain'An. The next round of editing goes to other people's hands, which will probably be over the course of the next two weeks. One sweep. Another proof, hopefully done right, and the book will be back on the market.

Until then, here is the re-vamped cover for 12 Stories High.

b write black.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

ArtistFirst Radio Network

Had a blast last night running my mouth for an hour talking about my career and latest work A COMPANY OF MOORS. Thanks to ArtistFirst and Tony K. for a wonderful interview, and allowing me to have a self-indulgent, highly selfish moment to promote ME! (This is all tongue and cheek, people. Relax.)

If you missed the interview, it's already archived at ArtistFirst. Click here to listen, and remember, A COMPANY OF MOORS is NOW AVAILABLE. In the coming weeks, keep close to my blog and website for new, amazing, black, literary information.

b write black.

Monday, September 27, 2010

The Stress of Code and Company

The concepts for Code-47 and A Company of Moors came as I was writing 12 Stories High, specifically the story I Wish Servitude. Though the story of I Wish Servitude is based in fantasy, it is set in the pirate-states of North Africa, mid-1500s. While researching that time period to get the politics correct, I stumbled upon a wealth of information about the 'companies' that ran the piratical North African cities and states. I immediately knew what would be one of my next two projects. I starting buying books, downloading articles, going back to old material (books, and concepts), and I started taking notes. It was either late 2005 or early 2006.

One bit of inspiration was the Prince of Persia series. I had been playing them for the Playstation. Great series. Loved the originals. But, in ancient Persia, there was no one that looked like Tom Cruise (or Jake Gyllenhall for that matter). I came up with my own story. I called it The Tale of the Five Black Bastards. I thought it would be cool if the story was that a young, Black Prince from Africa came back to reclaim an African Kingdom in Persia. He wears a seal on his arm that can prove his inheritance to the throne, also imposing the African origins of many civilizations outside of Africa itself. The 'tawny' King would then challenge the young prince for the throne: if he can survive a series of traps in the dungeon, and slay guards, and find his way above ground and back to the throne, he would receive his rightful throne. This story was ultimately incorporated into A Company of Moors. 

Also being scripted at the time was Code-47. Like I said in an earlier post in this blog, it was based on a conversation with a friend. And at the time, Code-47: Memoirs of a Hip Hop Heist's story was also being scripted and made notes for. I had to decide which story I would actually start first. I decided to go with Code-47, while on the side I would be doing extensive research for A Company of Moors. 

It was 2006. 

What did this all add up to? An immense amount of stress. And this wasn't stress that was complete about the scale of Code-47's concept and A Company of Moors' epic research, writing, and editing. 

No. The stress came because I felt, and continue to feel, as if I'm the only black author out there fighting a war against the consistent barrage of sub-par writing in what can be described as the 'Black Literature' Community. It's not so much the content of these embarrassingly bad 'urban' or 'black erotic' pieces that make anyone with sense cringe. It's the narratives that are terrible. The so-called writers of these pieces clearly do not have a grasp on the English language. Nor do they bother hiring an editor. I've read sample chapters from these works and they are absolutely atrocious. 

And then you have the titles. Most of these books' titles are filled with outdated, hip-hop slang. Or worse yet, they are even titled with titles already in use. Songs (okay, that I can kinda forgive), or Movies. And the Bland Plays On. I was always frustrated that, when I could finally speak about this, that I could not name a title as an example, because I really don't want to give any of these people publicity. But, as luck would have it, a new cop drama has appeared on the scene, and I can use that as an example. This show is called Detroit 1-8-7. Let me first express that I do like the show. I like the cast. Michael Imperioli, James McDaniel. But my beef is with its title. First off, we have the cop code for murder. 1-8-7. Made popular by numerous West Coast Hip Hop the early to mid-90s! Outdated. And even worse, 1-8-7 is the cop code for murder in CALIFORNIA not Detroit. 

And this is how these terribly written, Scarface wannabe knock-offs, urban novels are title, with no rhyme or reason, but with a catchy, outdated hip-hop phrase. Beware of books with the word 'game' or 'player' in their tile. Or even Hip Hop and Heist for that matter. And then there's the Terry McMillan knock offs. Erotic trash that usually has some cliche 'urban' sex slang, with the same women on the cover. Beverly Jenkins these women are not. These so-called authors are usually sexually frustrated women, spending three hundred pages about a fantasy when they need therapy or just need to keep a journal. Black literature has become, for black women, what Hip Hop has become for black men. It is an arena of self-expression of anger, resentment, fear, loathing, and most of all release. However, without a proper understanding of the origin of that anger, a good, culture, therapy session, only confusion and (good God) poor writing skills remain.

I wouldn't be so upset if the writing was good, but it's not. And unfortunately these people have no help in writing. No editors. Not even friends to say, "This really isn't that good. Anyone can be a writer, but it takes a special person to be an author. And that just ain't you." And the font is usually big so it can be considered a good amount of pages to be a book, making the product look like an embarrassingly elementary reading book.

Is this the best black people can do? Are all the new black writers this talentless and cliche? I've found a growing success with being creative, so this rant ain't about jealousy over a dollar. Which, I decided to write this article and blog entry afterward, so I can't be labeled as a 'hater'. And if so. Fine. I would rather be a hater with the intelligence and literacy to know the difference between good and bad literature, and also what needs to change drastically. Be happy with being an illiterate conformist. By-the-way, Jesus, Neo, and the entire Star Wars Rebel Alliance, can be seen as haters too. Not to mention Marcus Garvey, Nat Turner, Malcolm X, Nobel Drew Ali, Drusilla Dunjee Houston, and Martin Luther King, Jr (among many more).

What's worse is the fact that this flood of sub-par African-American 'literature' is purposeful. Even the semi-well written, down-trodden African-American 'experience' -fiction or biography- is starting to wear thin as well. These two-sides of no story type of writing in the black community flourish and are backed by big business dollars to keep stagnant black creativity, and to keep black people on a simple-minded (dare I say) 'ghetto' path and mentality. For the most part, the 'urban' fiction and Scarface (scared-face?), Godfather wannabe stories mostly glorify the streets, these stories do not have a moral tale of any type of significance to curb or solve the problems in the streets. Even Scarface and Godfather showcased that one must be careful to not be consumed by their own power. Even The Sopranos was a morality tale that tried to give humanity to a piece of shit like Tony Soprano. But, in the end, whether he lived or died in that last episode, his future is bleak, he's a terrible father, and a terrible boss that made tremendously terrible decisions for both his families. What black authors often miss is the humanity. But an angry people without a true outlet of expression about what angers and oppresses us creates terrible narratives, and unfortunately glorification of violence drawn inward and toward one another.

The creative medium from music to literature shows no difference in the violent urban arena. 

The stress of battling against this mundane 'literature' was overwhelming in the 4 years it took to write and release Code-47, and research, write, and release A Company of Moors. My emotions were all over the place, and I couldn't stop to rest when I finally released Hip-Hop Heist, or properly respond to the some of the flack I got for that book, and the people that defended the book. With those people in my corner, I didn't feel the need to respond, I had to keep moving to put out A Company of Moors. And that was 3 years and 571 pages (written and edited) fun, yet gut-wrenching work. It had to be right. And A Company of Moors was a progressive step forward for Black Historical Academia as well. There was no more of an argument were the Moors black. They are. Were. Will be. North Africa has been colonized by foreigners. A Company of Moors exposes the story on how the true Moors were usurped and all of Africa was set for a series of invasions that would lead to its state today.

Yeah, nothing emotional or violent in that story.

b write black (with prt 2 of this discussion)

Saturday, September 11, 2010

And On The Move

A Company of Moors is going strong. People are ordering through online sites and at the bookstores, and a couple hits through Kindle. I have been busy doing continuous promotion, and a lot of 'otha people's newz' being attended to. And the responses have been overwhelming and good. As someone has said to me, though, the haters will come soon.

I am scheduled on several shows, the first being ArtistsFirst Radio Network, scheduled for Sept. 29th. As the other shows find a specific date, I will be announcing them as well.

12 Stories High will be getting its final overhaul. Because of constant promotion and otha people's newz, I have not been able to apply the final edits of the revision. I have 6 stories left, a couple of them really short, and a couple of them really long. Those edits will be applied, and the revision should be circulating by end of October. There is already a commercial for it, which will hit my YouTube channel. There is also a teaser ready for the second epic poem: 2 Enlighten The G.O.D.Z. The teaser will be released by year's end, and Ray Cosico is already on the move with the book's cover, which should not have any delays, considering that the cover doesn't have to be finished a year from now. That should give Mr. Cosico a good amount of time.

I also like the fact that 2 Enlighten The G.O.D.Z. is finished!!!!! I will give it several look throughs, but for the most part, it's complete, in a final stage. This gives me a good amount of time to work on my next project without any pressure, and have I been under a great deal of pressure ever since Code-47. That's a post for another time.

For now, I'm enjoying a relaxing time getting the next project straight, plot, characters. My biggest debate right now is if I should tie this 'mystical' story into a larger world that I know I will be spending three books on. But, this project will be spoken about more and more as the time comes.

The minute I released a blast about A Company of Moors there was an out-of-control response, positive. I received a lot of responses to the release commercials, and of course, to the book itself. But among the all the noise created, I sat down quietly and started etching out the next project as if A Company of Moors was old news. I am very relaxed going into this next project.

Music will play.

b write black.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


THE MOORS HAVE INVADED EUROPE!!!!! The epic African-Moorish, Historical Fiction novel, A Company of Moors, is now available in U.K. and European markets for you brothers and sisters ‘across the pond’. With regular shipping & handling.


North Africa, 1640. Welcome to al-Mari Ifriq, a small city dreaming of its borders to reach the coast. Its dusty, unpaved roads and small districts set the unofficial borders, providing reminders of the minor squabbles initiated by surrounding maritime companies that vie for control of each other, the city, and the entire region of Odongo-Mauharim. Thus sets the grand African tale of Moorish Company Bosses, corsairs, and kingdoms involved in all manner of legitimate and illicit politics.

Join the adventure of three African states. The first, a city ruled by corsair politics. The second, a Kingdom on the brink of war. The last, a nomadic nation marked by Europeans for enslavement.

Corsairs. Revolutionary warriors. Merchants, slavers, and gangsters.

Join the Company...

A Company of Moors can be (ordered) and purchased at all bookstores, and is also available on in paperback and Kindle. UK (Paperback/Kindle)

And of course, still available in the U.S. (Paperback/Kindle)

Barnes & Noble

b write back (there's some BIG news a-comin').

Monday, August 9, 2010

Monday, August 2, 2010


After 3 years of research, note taking, and plotting, 1 year, 2 months, and 3 days of writing, and months of editing, I present to the world, the epic African-Moorish, Historical Fiction novel, A Company of Moors—with no commercial interruption.


North Africa, 1640. Welcome to al-Mari Ifriq, a small city dreaming of its borders to reach the coast. Its dusty, unpaved roads and small districts set the unofficial borders, providing reminders of the minor squabbles initiated by surrounding maritime companies that vie for control of each other, the city, and the entire region of Odongo-Mauharim. Thus sets the grand African tale of Moorish Company Bosses, corsairs, and kingdoms involved in all manner of legitimate and illicit politics.

Join the adventure of three African states. The first, a city ruled by corsair politics. The second, a Kingdom on the brink of war. The last, a nomadic nation marked by Europeans for enslavement.

Corsairs. Revolutionary warriors. Merchants, slavers, and gangsters.

Join the Company...

A Company of Moors can be (ordered) and purchased at all bookstores, and is also available on in paperback and Kindle. Follow the links provided to your preferred site for purchase.



Watch videos for the book here.


Friday, July 30, 2010

Commercial Enterprise

3 new commercials have been created and will be featured next week to highlight A Company of Moors' release.

b write black.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

A Company of Moors Is Approved (prt 2)

Though approved, it will take time for sites and companies to make the title a part of their catalog. So, we all gotta wait. This part ain't my fault.

b write black.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

A Company of Moors Is Approved

The final edits are finished. The book is approved. The printer and distributors have been notified. Availability will probably come Thursday or Friday of this week. Like any kind of examine, there comes a time when you have to just hand it in. But, we're confident the final edit is spectacular. There will be more news to announce as the week continues.

b write black.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Calling All Cars

This weekend will be one big wait.  All things for A Company of Moors are in order.  The last four years (3 for research, 1 to write) all come down to next week. A Company of Moors will have its worldwide release.  I am becoming flooded with e-mails from people asking about the specific date.  I just know it'll be next week.  The Kindle version of A Company of Moors will be available a day or two after the titles physical release.

We're still awaiting 100% approval, and in the meantime, heavy promotion is underway on all social networking sites, and press releases have been pushed to the proper channels for blogtalk and radio interviews. and for other business.  All outlets, distributors, and wholesalers have been contacted.  All information has been uploaded to the proper channels for the purpose of distribution and product information.

So here we are. Waiting.  The weekend.

b write black.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Nervous Wreck

I have (what I hope is) the final proof for A Company of Moors in my hand. Looking through it nervously to see if all edits were picked up. Looks good so far. Book will be available worldwide sometime next week (if all is well).

Monday, July 12, 2010

The Walkthrough

The final edits have been applied. To make certain that the manuscript is immaculate, all edits will be looked over to make sure they have been applied correctly.  This last edit was just a proofread, only looking for glaring errors--misspelled words, glaring grammar problems, and continuity. Otherwise, the flow of the story is smooth. The first 'season' has been looked over, and it is immaculate. Later today, after some work with otha people's news, the rest of the book will be looked at. The printer will have the final copy either tonight or early tomorrow morning.

I am very excited.

Another proof will be ordered, looked through, and the book will then (hopefully) have an okay for release.

b write black.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Almost Ready

Down to the last two chapters. The final edit of A Company of Moors is coming to a close. The 17th century, North African, Black Moorish epic is almost ready for release. Thanks for your patience.

In other news, Ancient-Art-of-Facts has been updated with a company commercial.  The new cover for 12 Stories High is featured, as well as Code-47, though the cover has not changed on sites like amazon and so forth.  But I think the change should come in a couple days or so.  The proof edit for 12 Stories High is still going, and should be concluded by the end of this month, with a release in the middle of August (among A Company of Moors' promotion) or at the end of August.

The re-vamp for the site was initially not going to come until A Company of Moors' release, with a new commercial stating the book's release. But, since I now have a Youtube channel, I'm just going to throw the commercial up there (and other networking sites).

b write black

Saturday, July 3, 2010

On The Horizon

Less than a hundred pages are left for the final edit for the epic novel: A Company of Moors. Release on the horizon.

b write black.

Thursday, July 1, 2010


161 pages are left in the final editing process for A Company of Moors.  July holds within its days the release for the book (crosses fingers).  In the last few days the project has been out of my hands, with the exception of approving the edits and applying them.  I have focused more attention on 12 Stories High's proof edit, hanging strong in the middle of the book and having applied the first half of the proof edits.

But to keep myself in touch with A Company of Moors, I do go back to the proof, and though its scratched with red ink edits, I read.  I'm anxious for this book to be released.  Not too long to go.

b write black.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Closer to Close

Season 2 (pages 156-307) is immaculate. Clean. One long Season 3 to go (pages 307-571). There is so much more to go, this has been a long arduous haul.  All next week, as edits are made and applied for the final story arc(s) of the book, I will be sending out press packets for Ancient-Art-Of-Facts and A Company of Moors to outlets for promotion. I was a little busy with other work to posted last week. This entry was supposed to be made the very next day after the edits were applied. Sorry. Other shit came up.

I am also finished with half the edits for 12 Stories High (edits from the proof). And a possible name for the setting of the next project has been created. A Company of Moors is set for release at the end of July. The finishing line is just up ahead. Let's keep moving.

b write black.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Season 2, All Over Again

Tomorrow I will be applying the final edits to Season 2 (pages 156-306). These pages will then be immaculate. We are steps closer to the final day. A company commercial has been created and featured on a social networking site. This commercial for Ancient-Art-of-Facts will appear on the website when A Company of Moors is finally released. It is coming, just relax.

Moor news tomorrow on the next writing project, and the progress of 12 Stories High. Stay tuned.

b write black.

Monday, June 7, 2010

12 Stories Proof

Got in late Friday night (early Saturday morning) and saw the proof for 12 Stories High. I was hoping it would be in before I left, cuz I knew I'd be out for a long time. But, I was already aware that changes would have to me made. I just wanted to hold the book in my hand. It looks good. There will be some changes to the cover (minor), there will be changes to the interior (but that was assumed to happen). I wasn't expecting a perfect final copy. I'm just glad the steps to re-imagine an Imaginative Trip are coming to an end, as well as finishing up A Company of Moors. Again, the final edits to this African Epic are being picked up and applied. It's very easy since the book is in a final phase. There's not many errors to catch. But there is 571 pages to read, just to make sure.

The changes to 12 Stories High's cover were done over the weekend, Saturday. It was actually frustrating, because converting the program into a pdf kept shifting the placement of words or graphics. But I was burning the program out. I just hit quit, let it rest, and then tried again. Nothing was then missing from the conversion, and nothing was shifted. Cover is done. Interior will be jumped on after A Company of Moors is released. It's cool, because 12 Stories High will be on hold until then.

All of this is coming together. Beside the work on the cover over the weekend, I got to rest. Will be doing the same today.

b write black.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

A Company of Moors (Press Packet)

I'm creating the press packet for A Company of Moors, finishing it now while at a Black owned, Brooklyn wine bar with my fiancee. Sounds like I'm ignoring her, right? Not really, she got a book in her hand, a drink in front of her, and I'm feelin' the Coronas. Our apartment is right around the corner from some hotspots. AIn't nuthin' like Brooklyn.

Anyway, I've finished my business press packet for Ancient-Art-of-Facts. I've revamped my current titles. Gettin' the proof for 12 Stories High tomorrow. It already needs some editing, so the title will still be on hold. It's okay, I was anticipating that. That's why they call it a proof. I will reveal the new cover when the book is in my hands.

Completely revamping my publishing company. The Griffin and the double-head Moor. Look for the logo.

b write black.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Back to the Moors

I have returned to A Company of Moors to oversee the final application of edits.  Season 1 is complete. Immaculate...I hope.  12 Stories High was turned in on Sunday, but, of course, Monday being a holiday, it was not attended to until today. The title is on hold. The book interior has been accepted, waiting for the cover, which I believe I'll have better luck with than the others.

I will start to talk in length about A Company of Moors within the next couple posts.

Stay tuned.

b write black.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Standing Tall

All stories are together in a 'body final' document. Intro and After pages have been added, and the cover has been recalculated for print. I will be sending the new 12 Stories High to the printer come Monday of next week.

All things are a go.

b write black.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Renovation Complete

Finished the last edit for the final story today. All interior work will be done over the weekend, and then submitted come next week.

b write black.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


One more story to edit.  We at the Presidential Suite in this renovation.

b write black.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Accepted. Renovation Nears End.

Code-47's proof has been accepted, and the re-do for 12 Stories High is coming to an end. I'm on the last three stories. Code-47 as a title will be available again, new cover featured on all sites, and of course, if ordered at all bookstores.

For those of y'all who can't wait. Here is the new cover. I will be updating the site soon to accommodate the new look.



b write black.