After a long stint of planning a wedding with myeditor-now-wife (Okay…she did all the planning, I just showed up…but at the end
of the day, it was my idea)…we have now settled back into a full run with
editing Fable Avenue’s second installment. While she and two other
editors/proofreaders toil over the manuscript, tearing my ego to shreds, I’ll
be overseeing some business to help publicize Fable Avenue (both Book I, The
Ghost of Gabriel’s Horn, and Book II).
In the coming months there will be a partial release of the
book’s synopsis and a video marking Book II’s official title. A few character bios
will pop up to promote Fable Avenue’s next installment. All of this to get the
audience properly prepped for this next project.
A late fall release is on the horizon, and even in a good
span of time, there is a lot to be done.
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