When are black writers gonna stop writing that same book? You know what I
mean. The same two stories over and over and over and over and over
again. Where's the diversity and creativity of expression? The true
freedom of writing, without bounds. Imaginative. We're the people who
created every myth, broke down all the sciences in ancient times that
scientists today keep scratching their heads about. We created and lived
every myth and religion.
Would a little imagination and creativity kill us?
Oh, wait. It did.
It did when we used Bible passages to speak in code, and some people
sold us out as to what we were doing. It did when we disguised martial
arts as dances. It got us killed when we sang road maps and messages
disguised as spirituals. It got us killed in chains when it was found
out that our ancient sciences and practices weren't really devil
worship, but the original gateways to something higher, closer to our
original selves.
Were we really ever mis-educated if the word educate is from a Latin
word meaning 'To shape and mold'? Break the mold. Break the chains. Write our expanded stories.
Like everyday people. And I am everyday people, and I wanna take you higher...
Ain't that sly?