One last chapter to go. The latest chapter under the belt was a test in writing, but it's moments like this that can be exciting and frustrating as a writer when putting your ideas together. Most of what I wanted to show was presented in someway as to how it was outlined or scripted.
There were a total of three confrontations between the antagonist and the protagonists within this one chapter, and where that sounds like a lot, it really wasn't. A good deal of how I wanted it to flow was trimmed down. An entire character, and their use as a plot point, was eliminated entirely. It was going too long, and though the scene was kind of cool as it played out, I was able to put my ego aside and see that one: it wasn't working. It felt awkward because it dragged the story out, making it run a little long. The character, although spoken about as being a part of three ruffians, was suddenly introduce from just being talked about and the character felt forced onto the audience. It also built up a promise that this character would be connected to another character in a storyline that runs parallel to the main story. But I didn't want that to happen because I don't want every character having a tie-in to this subplot going on. If I did that, then, well, it would coincide with the second reason I scrapped this idea.
It was kinda cliche.
I'd like to believe that I could write something that seemed fresh and new, but in the context of the story, how it all played out, there was no getting around this character's demise as being cliche. So, the character was removed entirely. I had to go back and eliminate all dialogue concerning this character. His story would end 'off screen', and in a natural way where nothing feels missed from the story.
I also shortened the time between the first two confrontations, and made them one seamless event. But they don't feel as if they're running into one another. Again, I shortened the time between them, but the two events can now be viewed as one. The second a continuation from the first.
I've imagined the end of this chapter several different ways for the past 10-12 years that this story has been on the back burner. Some things changed and some things didn't. For starters, the obvious, the antagonist is a female rather than a male. That made the final confrontation interesting. Other elements were toned down. There were no real fisticuffs, as planned many years ago. It was as quiet as a confrontation could get. It kind of resonated with the lead villain's charm. As dirty as she got, she did it with style and class.
The final chapter of this book has also a rough sketch as to how it will play out. What was outlined for the chapters beginning was scrapped a little before I started writing this entry. It's about making things flow naturally, finding out what should be, and what the characters should be going through even if it goes against what you want them to go through. It has to appear natural and believable. Not necessarily realistic, just believable within the world you're writing and creating.
Hopefully, some time next week, this next project will be another notch in the belt. The third act can be scanned, tightened as best as I can, and then turned over to the editors and proofers to tear apart and hurt my feelings.
We're almost there again with another fine piece of sh---literature.
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