Monday, March 26, 2012

Mojo Moon

I have averaged over 10 hours overtime when dealing other people's news, especially between November to early January.

Even workin' on the weekends.

But nothin' compares to the writing marathon that was done over the past weekend. It was fun, fulfilling, but exhausting. I'm in the final pages of this project, and a lot of emotions and revelations have come to the surface. Most of the story has come full circle. The protagonist and antagonist have shaken hands, somewhat. Guantlets have been thrown down...somewhat. You'll understand all that when the project drops.

The marathon of writing started Friday after otha people's newz was taken care of, went into the night (about 2 in the morning). Resumed a couple hours after the sun came up on Saturday (8am), then after makin' me and my baby some breakfast, continued on and on and on and on and on until 3 in the morning. Back up a li'l before 9am, and typin' away 'til the sun set.

Fun as hell. Tiring, yes. But fun.

The tricky part of the writing I just completed is that it had to re-imagine the second act of the story. I had to write in a way where it doesn't seem repetitive. What helped a lot with that was characters' reactions to the revelations of the second act, its retelling.

I can't wait for this project to drop. From The Ronin Poetz to A Company of Moors, the writing has only matured, but given me the challenges to mature to tell a tight story. Hell, I can't even wait to reveal the title and the cover.

On another note, there's still some paperwork that needs to be handled with the new business. The paperwork has to do with the distribution. The forms have to be filled out, printed out, and then faxed. Within 48 hrs of the paperwork being received, Twin Griffin Books will be officially hooked up with distribution channels and printing.

b write black.