On Friday, March 19th 2010 at 1:47 pm, A Company of Moors was finished. The editing is in its last stages. So that's like a year and two months and three days, or something like that. Not bad, considering this is a 500pg (plus) book. Most people don't get that far in ten years.
So, now comes the fun part. Post production, gettin' this thing wrapped up. It will be easy. The editors have all but the last chapter, which I finished at lunch. Again, the last chapter is a cool down, so all plot elements and the final "who gets killed", and "what happens to whom" is all played out. I'll give the last chapter on the weekend. All good. After that, the edits must be discussed and applied. I'll speak more about this later.
The last chapter was kind of hard to write. It's had its versions. With so much happening between page first and page last, I desperately wanted to get the final words correct. And I found them. There's still much to be done. And, of course, there's other projects on the horizon. I got a free pass for the rest of the year. 12 Stories High
For now, like Maa Kheru after his battle with Tag ... I can rest.
(yeah, I'm a whore for self promotion. Go get The Ronin Poetz
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