"7) Miscellaneous things. They’re gonna occur. Between February [and] April there will be a lot of these. 12 STORIES HIGH will be getting a new cover. THE RONIN POETZ will be having a hardcover release. And more. I’ll blog when the time comes."
The ‘Between February to April’ thing was speaking about the move back to New York. The plotting and execution of the move has been **ahem** adventurous. Nekia had already made her way back to New York, living between her friend Gargi Shinde's place and her mother’s place. She was also working with a realtor, renting apartments. And she pulled off an amazing find of an apartment (and not through the company she worked with). We traded in a small Atlanta neighborhood for a wonderful Brooklyn, Brownstone neighborhood in Stuyvesant Heights. We’re back among family and friends. And I have a wonderful telecommute editing job.
Goodbye 236
Up, up, and away …