Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Cheat Codes

Most of these stories are congruent. The Ronin Poetz stands on its own as a five-year piece of drama. But once plans for 12 Stories High were underway, and while in the middle of composing or re-writing the short stories, both Code-47 and A Company of Moors were outlined. A tremendous amount of historical research was done for A Company of Moors. And I’m not giving myself too much time to breathe between projects.

I consider Code-47 and A Company of Moors as catalysts to other ideas I’m trying to get straight and outline. I feel that once A Company of Moors is finished, I can move on to some heavier stuff, and even rest a bit.

Somewhat. Maybe.

But I’ve been fiending to start A Company of Moors (ACoM). I debated between starting Code-47 and starting ACoM after 12 STORIES. Code-47 won out because I not only thought it was the easier title to scribe, but I want my career to reflect the pacing of 12 Stories High. Also, Code-47 was me stretching before the challenge. I always challenge myself.

I challenged myself at age twelve to write a book. Finished writing what is still an unpublished manuscript titled Identical Thefts at the end of the seventh grade, 168 pgs long. The summer before starting high school, I challenged myself to write a book based off of a Prince album. I did so with his signature (no-pun-intended) “O-|->” album (Did I spell that right?), completed in the tenth grade. Sorry, couldn’t find a story in Diamonds and Pearls. Senior year in college, challenged myself to create a story entirely through poetry. I have The Ronin Poetz and three more epic poems on the way. So, I can check that off the list.

So what’s the challenge with A Company of Moors? Believe it or not, it’s not the huge undertaking with characters, plot(s), the twists, relationships, and historical accuracy … even in the midst of fiction that must all be executed near flawless. That’s not a problem.

My goal—which was also a goal this year—is to release two books in one year. Code-47 and ACoM were slated for release in 2008. ACoM was supposed to have been released around Thanksgiving. That’s what I originally planned. But, running a company, writing Code-47, and having a day job as a writer-editor slowed me down a bit.

Oh, yeah. Sometimes my fiancé likes to be taken out to dinner and spend quality time together.

But that’s my New Year’s resolution, 15 days early. 2 books. 1 year.

Can it be done? Don’t know, but thank God for cheat codes. What’s mine? Well, I will be revising the second epic poem. It’s been finished since August 2001. There just needs to be a small re-write to certain ‘chapters’ of the poem. I’ll be speaking about that soon.

And then there’s the whole ‘have a cover made for the book’ thing.

I’m talking’ to you Mr. Ray Cosico!